This week is Thanksgiving. After that there are two more weeks of classes. Let's play some magic! :-D
There was some clamoring for a casual constructed night. Also some people are interested in drafting. Hmmm... I think we should probably shoot for a casual draftish thing. Perhaps some sort of team format will work well.
We also really need to determine what our constructed WittCon event will be. I'm thinking along the lines of EDH. Last year fell through a little bit because only two people built decks for the format; it is probably better to have deck construction be less stringent. (Despite the fact that I love crazy constructed formats!) So, should we talk about this at our next event or should I start a separate blog post about that? Please let me know!
Either respond to my email or post here about which nights are good for you in the final 2 weeks of class (Mon-Thurs are what I'm looking for usually). I can already tell you that Thursday, Nov. 29th is not going to work.
Awesome! See you all soon! :-D