My local store, Intergalactic Plastic, is really good about running drafts for new sets, even if they're not mainline sets. At the last minute, I got to participate in the Innistrad Remastered draft, and I'm not sure the universe could have given me a stronger signal pack-one pick-one.
The rest of the draft went quite well. I prepared a small amount by looking up common color-fixing cards and I expected to see a lot of Abundant Growth. Instead I pulled a trio a bunch of Wild-Field Scarecrows that put in work during the night. Here were all my picks:
I realized I had some good stalling cards, so I went high on my mana curve, though I didn't run the Ghoultree. Here's my deck:
In was first matched up against an Orzhov deck with lots ways to sacrifice creatures combined with some token generators.
In the first game, I mulliganed to four, but I got going quick and managed to hit perfectly with my removal to thwart sacrifice benefits and catch up on value. Conduit of Storms helped me ramp, especially after flipping. Bramble Wurm showed me just how good it was and I won. In the second game I got Cryptolith Rite out right away and ramped off of that to stay ahead. Again, Bramble Wurm proved to be great and I won again. 1-0.
In the second round I was up against an Azorius weenie horde deck heavy on spirits. In the first game I kept up really well against the onslaught, but finally got swarmed out. In the second game, I didn't even have a chance.
Double Lunarch Veteran along with Spectral Shepherd are pretty good. Combine that with Tower Geist and that's a three points of value with every bounce. I lost this game with my opponent at 38. 1-1.
In the third round I was up against a Rakdos vampires deck armed with blood and madness. In the first game my removal came to play and Soulcipher Board helped me optimize draws. I kept it tight until Bramble Wurm came out to play and I took over. I flipped Cryptolith Fragment into Aurora of Emrakul before playing the wurm, which was nifty. I won that game, but the second game was not as satisfying. My opponent got stuck on only swamps, with a hand full of red spells. I won before they could put up much of a fight. 2-1. We played a third game for fun, and I got absolutely steamrolled. Stensia Masquerade is really strong. This round could have easily gone either way.
Sadly, I never flipped the Huntmaster, though I got it out a few times. I was always too busy casting spells.
I definitely have some takeaways here for WUBRG drafting Innistrad Remastered. Even more than normal. Basically: do it.
- I think I would have been fine without the Cryptolith Rite, though it certainly helped.
- No one was taking Wild-Field Scarecrow. Take them. Stall with them. Then sac them for lands or use them to help you emerge big things if you need to.
- Bramble Wurm is great.
- If you're not familiar with the emerge mechanic, don't be afraid to take those things. The emerge payment makes things much cheaper and they usually give you some value on the cast as well.
- The gap I had in mana value between 3 and 7 wasn't actually that bad. Conduit of Storms and the Scarecrows helped me gather extra mana.
- Turn 3 Conduit, Turn 4 flip it, Turn 5 Bramble Wurm is a good sequence. It's not a waste of a turn to spend all your mana to flip the Conduit after combat.
Happy Magicking!