Saturday, June 30, 2012

Archenemy Draft Results

Okay, that was really fun!

Sadly, due to a big storm, it was only me versus a team of three.  Still, it went very well.  I won 2 of 3 games, so it wasn't a complete blow out. Game 1 I ended up with life comfortably in the twenties or thirties.  Game 2 I lost, but game 3 I was down to 13.

I opened M 2012 first, then Zendikar, then Rise of the Eldrazi.  The three players drafted a total of 4 Avacyn, 2 Dark Ascension, 1 Innistrad, 1 Zendikar and 1 Eventide.

My deck consisted of:

Kozilek, Butcher of Truth (Thank you, Eldrazi!),
Gravetiller Wurm,
Aerie Ouphes,
Wolfir Silverheart,
2 Gryff Vanguards,
Nephalia Smuggler,
Village Bell-Ringer (What a bomb!),
Spectral Gateguards,
Geist Trappers,
Heartstabber Mosquito,
Oran-Rief Recluse,

Other Spells:
Harrowing Journey,
Spidersilk Net,
Rush of Blood,
Mind Control (Picked this over Flameblast Dragon; not sure if that was a good move),
Banishing Stroke,
Terrifying Presence,
Recumbent Bliss,
Mark of Mutiny,
Shattered Perception (I never should have run this.)


Evolving Wilds,
Graypelt Refuge,
Soaring Seacliff (Used this as janky removal in 2 games with the Aerie Ouphes and the Oran-Rief Recluse!),
3 each of Swamp, Mountain, Forest, Plains,
2 Island

The heroes came up with the plan of divvying out colors partially ahead of time, which I think was really smart.  We didn't allow "table talk" during the drafting, but collaboration ahead of time was okay.  They agreed to each choose one color (Green, White and Blue) and then splash the other two (Red and Black) as they saw fit.  As it wound up, they each played their main color and also Red!

I think with 4 or 5 heroes, they probably could have taken another game from me, but it's not obvious.  It was a little lopsided on drafting experience also; one of them drafts a lot, another has drafted a few times before (I don't know exactly) but for the third, it was their first draft.

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