Thursday, September 6, 2012

Next time: Casual Constructed Evening

EDIT: Wednesday, Sept. 19: Moving the meeting a week back due to illness.  We will meet at the same time, but on Sept. 26th instead.  Hope to see many of you then! :-D

Hey all,

let's have a casual constructed event next time.  (That means it's totally free to show up!)  Let me know when you're free over the next few weeks.  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights are all possibilities (up through Sept. 20).  Send me an email or reply right here.  :-D

I've got plenty of extra decks I can bring, as well as planes for planechasing and schemes for archenemying.

I'm working on putting together enough zombies for this co-op format.  (I still need 33 2/2 zombie and 3 5/5 zombie giant tokens.  If you have some and want to donate them, please let me know.  If you're looking for other tokens, I'm happy to donate mine to you!)  I'd also like to put together a danger room deck to help people learn to play.  That sounds like a really cool format, but I certainly haven't put together a deck yet.

Alum Aaron Dugger has put together a cube, which I'm sure he'd like to draft soon too!

In case you haven't seen my GoogleTalk bot, send a message to  That has access to my entire collection and also has my want list.  There are over 21,000 cards listed!  (I still haven't added the cards from Tuesday's draft.)

Let me know when you might be free in the next two weeks!  Let's play some magic!


  1. Wednesday nights are probably best as well as Tuesday evening around 6 again.

  2. Okay, I went through all the emails and the above comment. The best night appears to be Wednesday.

    Let's plan to meet on Wednesday evening around 6:15pm in room 327 in the science building. I will bring extra decks, etc, in case you don't have one.

    I may be available beforehand (I might have to run home and come back) so feel free to check in room 329R if you come early.

    See a bunch of you on Wednesday!
