****Update Dec 5: I can't stick around tonight, so there won't be magicking! This draft is cancelled!****
Hello all!
Wednesday of this week (Dec. 5) is the best day for magic, so let's do it! I think we'll plan on doing some sort of limited team format. Thus, it'll probably be a draft, but there will be teams since we'll likely have lots of people not used to drafting. Probable options are: Emperor, 2HG, Tag-Team or Archenemy. If you've got another idea, just let me know.
I would guess that we'll start around 6:10ish. (We'll probably go until 10 or 11; maybe not quite as late.) As normal, let me know if you think you'll be running late; we can start later. I'll bring a few decks so we can play a bit before things get started. Naturally, if you show up early, feel free to come extract me from my office (329R).
The cost is $10 for three packs. I'll have plenty of basic land.
I won't post my phone number here, but feel free to email me and I can give it to you. :)
Awesome! :-D
If you are planning on coming, it would be helpful for you to let me know. Either email me or post here. (Please don't do both or I'll double count you.)
Bonus! :)
I'm coming.
Sadly, I have to cancel this event! I will not be able to attend tonight.