Saturday, January 25, 2020

Drafting WUBRG: Theros Beyond Death

I had my first Theros Beyond Death draft last night.  I definitely want to do it more.  I was afraid there wasn't much mana-fixing, but that's not entirely true, mostly thanks to Unknown Shores, which I drafted three of.  I picked them kind of high, but they all paid off.  

While drafting, I didn't have much of a strategy in mind. I went with a lot of flash things and "Whenever you cast your first spell during each opponent's turn" cards.  (WYCYFSDEOT?)  I grabbed a Shimmerwing Chimera, because it seemed like it would be really good with Omen of the Hunt (which it is) but it turns out to be really good with lots of things.

Draft Pool.  The Underworld Breach came around real late.

WUBRG cards you'll want to prioritize:
  • Unknown Shores, because land-based fixing is always good.
  • Temples, if you see any.  (I did not.)  I mean, you're probably rafting anyways.
  • Altar of the Pantheon.  
  • Omen of the Hunt.
As far as Traveler's Amulet goes, maybe I shouldn't even have run it.  Next time I hope I won't need that kind of help.

My deck at the end of the night.

I wound up being really heavy in Blue, with a bit of Red, though I decided not enough to run Purphoros.  White, Black, and Green were just splashes, though a lone forest was enough to justify Omen of the Hunt.  The deck really enjoyed the interaction between Shimmerwing Chimera and the five ETB enchantments I had.  I only went 1-1 (2-1 with a first-round bye) but my games were good.  Most of my creatures were fliers, which was great.  The low curve was very out of character for me.  I usually have a few 7 or 8 CMC cards competing for slots, but that didn't happen here.

Next time I'll probably try a similar strategy, though I'll look harder for the Shimmerwing Chimeras and the Omens of the Hunt.  Those three Unknown Shores really kept me in the game, though.  I'll need to make that happen again.

Definitely a better WUBRG format than I was expecting!  I'm looking forward to doing more of it.

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