I drafted again! There's a clear issue: as with Conflux and Ravnica Allegiance and others, there is a problem with this set: drafting 5 colors is too popular. In a pod of 6, after one or two cards had been pulled from the first pack, two people (not me) announced they were probably going "5 color good stuff". The result is that I only got 3 dual lands. Here's what I drafted:
I made up for the lack of lands a bit with the Beamtown Beatstick and the four land cyclers. With those I took a risk and only went with 16 lands. Here's the deck:
I was heavy in black again, but black is really fun to play in this set. Aetherblade Agent is great. Deadly Derision seemed like a definite include. The two Gloomfang Maulers were excellent. And I felt like I had to run Horobi, Death's Wail.
In the first round, Horobi actually turned out to be great. My opponent was on Boros equipment and backup. (With Sram and two Reyav!) Horobi temporarily shut down any equipping. My opponent correctly noticed that they could use backup on my creatures. In fact, if I pull Horobi again, I'm hoping I've got a bunch more backup creatures myself, because that seems like a good strategy. I lost game 1 badly, squeaked out a win in game 2, swinging for lethal at 15 while I had only 1 life. That wasn't enough and I lost game 3 pretty quickly.
In the second round, I lost to one of the five-color decks. They ran a ton of discard effects and I just couldn't keep up. They dropped Yarok both games and I managed to get it back on the board after I removed it. I got beaten brutally in two games. This was still a really fun match, as it was cool to see my opponent's deck go off.
I ran Tetsuko Umezawa again, and it worked great again, comboing with Valduk... again. It managed to keep me alive a little bit longer in round 2, and then it helped me blow out my round 3 opponent in two games. Tetsuko Umezawa is such a great card. Valduk isn't quite as good as the Brudiclad I got in my first March of the Machines draft, but it's still great.
1-2 isn't great, but I had a blast again! I don't know whether I'll get to sneak a fourth draft in before the next set. We'll see!