Just about six years ago, a student of mine decided to hold a Homelands draft. They bought a box online (it was much cheaper than the $500+ they are now), got 8 people together, split the cost, and we drafted the box.
My student wanted to draft this set specifically because the cards are considered to be quite bad. In 2017, Didgeridoo was the most valuable card in the set, coming in around $5. (Our draft happened just after the little spike that appears at the end of 2017.) Today the individual cards are worth about twice as much. Many of the "chase" cards experienced a big bump in the beginning of 2021, but have settled down. (At the time of Homeland's release, I remember a lot of excitement around Autumn Willow, the first creature with base Shroud. Deep Swawn can get shroud and Svyelunite Priest can grant it to something else.)
Homelands was released in 1995; the "36 packs of 15 cards in a box" hadn't become a standard for boosters yet. Instead, for Homelands, they tried 60 packs of 8 cards each. (Also, when 3-set blocks became normal, Homelands was considered the second set of the Ice Age block, followed by Alliances. When Coldsnap was released in 2006, the "block" was reconfigured to be Ice Age/Alliances/Coldsnap.) We each got 6 packs and drafted them individually.
I took a few photos of packs I opened. Serrated Arrows was the right pick in the second pack.
I didn't draft WUBRG. I can't remember whether it was because I kept seeing good red cards, or because I didn't see many of the (bad) Homelands tri-color lands. Looking back, I wish I had tried harder! That could have been more fun if I saw enough of the lands.
I can't complain about how the draft went, though! I knew the value of Serrated Arrows, having played with it in 1995, and again in Time Spiral block limited. They kept coming around, so I kept grabbing them. I also saw lots of Anaba Shaman, so I got them as well. I don't have a photo of all the cards I drafted, but I do have a shot of the 23 cards that I think made up my deck:
I went 3-0 quite easily. I kept nearly every other threat out of the game with direct damage and arrows.
I think I won every game, but I'm not certain. I do remember that I was helped by terrible draws for my opponents. My MVP was absolutely the three copies of Serrated Arrows.
It was really fun to play in this draft. If I had the chance, I would probably do it again, but maybe not at the current cost of the box. (It would probably cost at least $70 per person now.) I would really like a chance to draft WUBRG in Homelands, though. (I would still first-pick Serrated Arrows.)
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