Friday, September 16, 2011

Witt Drafting

Our magic group at Wittenberg wants to draft soon! When is a good time either this week or next week?

(Usually we start around 6pm and go until 10ish. Alternative plans can be made for people who need to drop early. Generally MTWT are the days that work... weekends are tough.)

Wanna help us decide, chime in here! (Please identify yourself so I don't double count people who comment here and also email me.)



  1. Monday and Tuesday are better for me.


  2. This week has slid by, for scheduling purposes, anyways. Next week, the options are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Of those days, I have two votes each for Monday and Wednesday and one for Thursday.

    Before I schedule anything, I usually need to know that me + 3 people are available. Can we get one more vote for Monday or Wednesday? Or two for Thursday?


  3. Nerak Patterson and I are both available for a Thursday draft.
