Monday, September 12, 2011

WittCon 9 Magicking

Some decisions need to be made about the magic tournaments at WittCon 9, which will take place in March, 2012 at Wittenberg University. Any input you have will be awesome!

I got a lot of good feedback for running our constructed event as a OneCC event: this would mean all non-basic land cards in each deck must all have the exact same casting cost. This does not mean converted casting cost, but actual casting cost. Thus, grizzly bears cannot be in the same deck as incinerate. Also, Fountain of Youth cannot be in the same deck as Karakas (one costs 0, the other has no cost).

If we do OneCC, what sets of cards will we allow? Standard? (probably too restrictive) Vintage? (This is nice, but some casting costs might need to be ruled out...) It might be fun to try the new Modern format, which basically includes all cards from Mirrodin forward, minus a short banned list.

We also have to decide what to do for the limited portion of our con involvement. Shall we just do another Wacky Sealed event, or something more interesting?

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