Saturday, July 11, 2015

Simic Shuffleupagus

Last night I played a UG Shuffleupagus build.  I really have a hard time deciding which colors in WUBG to run.  (Even Red has some cards similar to Cranial Extraction: Slaughter Games and Thought Hemorrhage.)  I was in the process of building WUB, but then I decided that I would probably be wanting more creatures, so I switched over to UG at the last moment.

Here's the list I ran:

Main deck:
4 Psychogenic Probe
4 Psychic Surgery  (These were actually pretty useful!)
4 Cosi's Trickster
4 Birds of Paradise
4 Noble Hierarch
4 Serum Visions
4 Loaming Shaman
4 Riftsweeper  (I only whiffed on these, like, once!)
4 Lantern of Insight
2 Bribery
2 Blessed Reincarnation
4 Ghost Quarter
2 Breeding Pool
10 Forest
4 Island

4 Deglamer
4 Unravel the Aether
3 Memory's Journey
2 Remand
2 Bribery

It didn't go so hot.  0-3-1, with only two total game wins.  Yikes.  Here's how it played out.

Round 1, I lost to Cody's Splinter Twin.  In the first game I mulled to five to get a land, then had no gas and lost quickly.  For the second game, I sided in all of my Deglamers and Unravel the Aethers, which was fun.  (Keranos doesn't look so indestructible when he gets shuffled back in.)  Although I didn't fall to a splinter twin combo, I couldn't keep up with the little beats and lost.

In the second round, I played against Evan's WUR deck.  (I don't know what it's called.  Sphinx's Revelation and other good stuff, I guess.)  This was a real battle!  Two control decks: time was called during game 1.  I had two Psychic Surgery out early on, and did get close to winning.  At one point, he was down to 2 life.  Later he had only three cards in his library at another, but he bounced back with Elixir of Immortality.  (Thankfully, it's a shuffle effect!)  He was finally able to transform a Delver of Secrets and win that way on the third turn after time, but he did have 16 cards in exile.  This was a really intense game and my favorite of the night.

I played against Katie's Cats Zoo-type deck in round 3.  I fared way better against this than I expected I would!  I held off her creatures in game 1 and got a Psychogenic Probe out for shuffling damage.  She went for the 5-life land (fetch for an untapped shock land with 2 shuffle damage) at one point, and I squeaked through a win off of Riftsweepers and Cosi's Tricksters.  She sided in Ancient Grudges for game 2 and beat me pretty soundly.  Game 3 went to time, with no one winning.  Hooray, I pulled off a draw round! :-P

In round 4, I played against Mike's BG deck full of big dudes.  I took game 1 by Psychic Surgerying away all his lands, but lost games 2 and 3 to big Phyrexian Obliterators and Wurmcoil Engines.

Lessons Learned:

I thought this would do better than it did.  It was certainly fun resolving Blessed Reincarnation, and Psychic Surgery really carried itself!  Two shuffles and slowing down an attacker is great!  In the end, I do think that White would be more fun than Green, and I might rather go for Black than Blue.  Yeah, maybe go Orzhov next time.  I really do want to find the best Shuffleupagus build! :) 

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