Saturday, June 15, 2024

Modern Horizons 3 (WUBRG Drafting)

I got into a 10-person Modern Horizons draft last night at my local store, Intergalactic Plastic.  I knew to look out for the tri-color lands and MDFC (Modal Double-Faced Cards) dual lands.  At the end of the first pack, I had taken 8 lands (only one basic).  Unfortunately, I didn't keep myself balanced and (probably) went overboard.  Here're my picks:

Sorry for the weird angle!  I had to lean way over to avoid the glare.

The second pick of The Necrobloom prompted me to take even more lands.  The Wight of the Reliquary didn't help, and I really thought I was on my way to excellence.  When I opened Six in pack three, I thought I was home free.  

Deck construction was quick; I only needed seven basics and had to cut from 26 reasonable spells to 23.  However, I'm pretty sure I made a mistake with how I accounted for the MDFCs: I considered them all as spells, but perhaps should have counted half of them as lands.  I found myself mana-flooded a few times, but I don't recall whether that was during games I had already played one or more MDFCs as land.  Maybe with The Necrobloom and the Wight of the Reliquary, I made the right choice.  I don't know.  Here's what my deck looked like:

I'm sure it's okay to run nearly no interaction.  Right?  Right?

Either way, I got run over by Gruul Eldrazi-counters aggro.  In the first round, my opponent outpaced me in two games.  Temperamental Oozewagg nullified my chump blockers and I didn't draw enough from the Snapping Voidcraws I got out. I did use Abstruse Appropriation in both games to grab Wumpus Aberration, but both times after I'd already suffered enough damage that I didn't recover for.  0-1

In round two, I was up against Eldrazi + counters again, this time Naya-flavored.  My deck ran better, but any combo-rificness I could have imagined was far overshadowed by Branching Evolution + Writhing Chrysalis.  That combination was absolutely brutal.  Our game 1 board got crazy and just kept on going with no breaking point in sight:

This board state is brought to you by Infinitokens.

Well... there was a breaking point, I just didn't see it coming.  With Propagator Drone, Path of Annihilation, and that dang Oozewagg, their Chrysalis got 39 +1/+1 counters during one attack, which was enough to trample over all my blockers.  In the second game, I got The Necrobloom out earlier and seemed to get the upper hand near the end, but we didn't finish in time.  0-2.

In round 3, I faced down a tough Rakdos artifact deck with some value synergy.  This time I finally got some combos going with parts of Six + The Necrobloom + Wight of the Reliquary, though sadly not all at the same time.

Removal stops the triple-threat from assembling.

In the first game, Six filled up the graveyard for the Wight to take advantage of a few turns later.  A vigilant 8/8 is good way to win a game.  In the second, The Necrobloom got a few turns with Six, and then my zombie legions won the game in turns.  1-2

I played with and met a bunch of new people and had a blast!  I think the big mistake here is that I didn't take enough removal for me to keep up with the rest.  After a few recent outings where I underdrafted land, I may have overcompensated this time.  However, in the games I was competitive in, The Necrobloom really helped make that come together.  What should I do if I draft MH3 again?  Is WUBRG a viable strategy for this set?

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