Sunday, September 15, 2024

Low Green Chaos (WUBRG Drafting)

I got another chaos draft in.  I didn't have a good theme, but I did run a WUBRG deck with little green.  That's a bit rare for the maybe obvious reason that green is good at mana fixing. 

We had seven people, which, for an odd number of people, has a nice drafting property: if you open a 15-card pack (as opposed to 14) you get that extra "pick" at the end of the round.  We also agreed to do single-game rounds again.  (Though I expect my group may be getting a bit tired of that.)  Here's what we opened:

I am officially stuck in the Ikoria-first rut.

My pack-1-pick-1 was a mana (fixer) dork, Humble Naturalist, that I didn't end up using, mostly because it was in green.  Here are all of my picks:

Lorien Revealed was the best card in that LotR pack, sadly.

I tried to find a good theme as I was drafting and failed over and over. First strikers with Kwende didn't pan out.  Neither did Evolving Door.  (I didn't even take any colorless creatures!)  I actually first-picked the Humble Naturalist over Frondland Felidar, which I regretted as vigilant creature after vigilant creature came through the packs. 

However, I still got a ton of removal that served me very well.  Additionally, Lorien Revealed, Mental Journey, and Unfathomable Truths kept my hand refilled.  Here's the deck I built:

People told me Clash of Titans isn't good.  It seems good!

(My apologies; I failed to take a lot of photos this time!  That means my memory of the details for some of them is a bit hazy.)
In the first round, I was paired up against a Golgari deck, and I drew into all the removal I needed, including Holy Cow as a flash-in blocker.  Not to mention I learned just how good Sentinel of the Nameless City is.  1-0.
In the second round, I was matched up with a Mardu opponent who often goes WUBRG, but just couldn't force it this time.  (I'm sure that's partly why I actually got lands!)  This was a long fight, but I managed to pull it off, thanks again to my plentiful removal.  2-0.

In the third round I was up against a fast Boros deck.  This time Nimble Brigand showed off, as each piece of removal made it unblockable, meaning it was sneaking in for Ophidian-level card advantage.  I feel like I kept playing removal, then drawing a replacement removal spell off the Brigand to get me ready to kill next turn's creature.  3-0.
The fourth round was extra fun because my opponent had managed to build two functional decks: Orzhov and Gruul.  (That seems really hard to pull off!)  I didn't know about the second deck and definitely struggled against the Orzhov, as it got down some efficient small creatures that kept me on my back foot, but I managed to pull it off.  4-0.  Bonus: we played again, but with the Gruul deck.  That was wicked fun.  I took a lot of early damage, but was stabilizing at 9.  Then they played Kogla and Yidaro, and haste-smashed my face down to 2.  I played Mirrorhall Mimic on my next turn and had them fight as though it was the second-incarnation of the legend rule.  After that, Obscura Initiate was able to get in for damage while bringing my life total back up, slowly but surely until I won.

The fifth round happened in a make-up round today.  This needs a little bit of explanation: after I had great success with Keruga earlier in the week, one of the other drafters followed the Ikoria-first plan.  They were lucky enough to open a companion: Lurrus, and drafted around it, resulting in what they described as a "really bad Lurrus deck" in Esper.  In our match they out-removaled me, showing off a wealth of 2-mana prison-effect-enchantments.  Although I killed Lurrus as soon as it appeared (they never attacked with it all night) they were able to keep me on my back foot deep into the game.  
Lurrus + don't-pass-priority = Utter Insignificance lands a second time.
I dragged it out with all of my own removal, but couldn't keep up with their quantity of creatures.  4-1.

What fun!  My deck was really fun to play and I had a good balance of mana-fixing lands and two powerful blue landcyclers to boot.  Once again removal was the key to victory, but perhaps I should switch up the packs I choose and get out of the rut I'm in.  Until next time, happy magicking!

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