Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Repack Draft: #(n+4) (WUBRG Drafting)

Ten years ago some students gave me a bag of bulk cards.  For many years I ran nearly-free repack drafts, which became just Free in the past few years.  I don't know how many of these I've run, but this is the fourth time I've written about one here (thus the numbering n+4).  Last time we hit 13 people, and last night we had another big crowd of 12.  My pack "recipe" is:

  • 10: 2 cards of each color, mono-colored.
  • 2 Multicolored cards.
  • 1 Uncolored card.
  • 1 Non-basic land.
  • 1 further random spell.

A year ago, a nice employee here gave me a bunch of "reject rare" cards, which I've been using in that final random spell slot instead, which makes the packs a bit more exciting. 

Unfortunately, I may have finally run out of cards.  I had 60 packs ready to go for yesterday, of which we used 36.  While making those packs, I started to run out of multicolored cards and had to change the recipe:

  • 10: 2 cards of each color, mono-colored.
  • 1 Multicolored card.  (-1)
  • 2 Uncolored cards.  (+1)
  • 1 Non-basic land.
  • 1 rare card

I had to stop at 60 packs because I ran out of blue cards.  So... I might be stuck for a while.  (It's not easy for me to just take from my own collection because everything is sorted and entered.  However, when I'm adding cards to my database, if I already have a bunch of that card, I instead add it to the cache I build these packs from.  So, I will slowly rebuild things, but it's quite slow.)  

Anyways, here's how the draft went!  I made these picks:

I was not expecting the rares would get passed around the table!

I ran all 12 of the lands I pulled: 11 guildgates and 1 Evolving Wilds.  I added one of each basic and that was my 17 lands.  Here's the full deck:

Yes it's a flat curve, but it's also a low-power format, so it all evens out.  (Ha!)

I pretty much just went for removal and bombs, then filled it out with some middling creatures.  There are a couple of combos that I got to utilize too!  We had a lot of people, mostly all casual players, so people wanted to do single game rounds instead of multiple in order to play more people. 

In the first round, I was matched up against who I think was the only other WUBRG player at the event.  I realized that I should have first sat down with them to help make cuts for their deck, as they just took all the cards they drafted and added a bunch of land.  Nevertheless, they absolutely steamrolled me!  First turn Phantasmal Bear, followed by another 2-power creature next turn, followed by a Boneyard Desecrator on turn 4 did me in.  I was able to get both Razorfin Hunters out, but I focused on taking out the little threats while my life total suffered.  I thought I would survive one turn with the pumped up desecrator attacking, but it got Tilonalli's Crown and swung for enough to finish me off.  0-1.

In round 2, I was matched up against a stalwart Naya deck, run by someone who reminded me that they've never beaten me in a draft match.  In addition to their creatures, they ran Staff of the Sun Magus and Recumbent Bliss, which slowed me down a lot.  My removal won out in the end, so I continued my winning streak against them.  We played a second game later where I got to use a sweet combo: Sparkcaster + Maul Splicer.  Bonus!  1-1.

My four 3/3 Golems thank you both.

In the third round, I was paired up against an opponent who I think was at their first draft.  They had put together a cool Golgari deck, heavy in black.  (I didn't see any green cards.)  I had a tricky situation to work around when they had Maggot Carrier, Magus of the Bridge, and Dreadhorde Invasion.  There were a couple of turns where I had a trusty Razorfin Hunter and Infused Arrows (with three counters left) to hold things off.  Every turn I kept my hunter untapped waiting to see if the Magus would swing in.  They intelligently kept it back and instead teased me by attacking with the Maggot Carrier.  I soaked that 1 damage every turn because I didn't want it to be a 2/2 Zombie token instead.  After it didn't attack, I would kill the new Zombie Army that the Dreadhorde Invasion had created, then rinse and repeat.  After drawing lands many turns in a row, I got the cards to break the stalemate and overwhelm.  2-1.

In my final, fourth round, I was matched up against an Izzet opponent.  We went back and forth removing each others' small threats, until I had enough to cast my Rhox Pummeler.  That, um, did not go well for me.

Essence Backlash for 6 damage.  Oof!

Shortly afterwards, though, I managed to get another combo going: Razorfin Hunter + Zagras, which meant I was pinging things for deathtouch damage.  I was able to pull out the win from there.  3-1.

This was a great event and we had lots of people come out.  Hopefully someday I'll have enough cards to put more packs together and do it again!

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