Saturday, August 24, 2024

Strixhaven, Round 4 (WUBRG Drafting)

My Friendly Local Gaming Store (FLGS), Intergalactic Plastic, has had an excellent pattern of running "old" drafts with boxes they have.  Last night, they held a Strixhaven draft!  As you might expect, I dropped everything to go!

This is a format I'm actually familiar with!  Three years ago, I ventured back to my New Hampshire FLGS, Games Ahoy!, protected by my recent COVID shots and a mask, for my first in-store drafts since early 2020.  I was so excited to draft in person again, I went to three June drafts in 2021, where I went 1-2 each time.  I went back over my notes in preparation for this draft, and that did help a lot.  However, as you'll see, I failed in my basic WUBRG needs.  

The drafting was fun.  I grabbed a lot of lessons, which paid off.  I also kept seeing good Lorehold cards, of which I took three Expels.  That card was great for me!  I picked a Zimone, a Needlethorn Drake, and a Rootha, because I remembered that those were all great.  Here are all my picks:

I picked that Onyx over a Channel.

See the issue?  I only got three dual lands.  While drafting I passed up a Cultivate and an Archway Commons, which seems like quite a mistake now.  (I don't remember what I took over them.)  There is a bit of a reason for the lack of lands: to my right was another WUBRG drafter.  In fact, it was the same player that drafted WUBRG with me this week!  They gobbled up most of the campuses before I could even see them.

I am reminded of when F Zero X would tell me I had a rival.

On the plus side, I drafted a ton of removal.  All three Expels went in.  I also followed my recommendations from 2021 and ran 18 lands instead of 17.  Here's what I put together:

My Learn-board was twice as big as my dual lands.  I did go heavy on the forests.

In the first round I was paired up against a Witherbloom (Golgari) player who had Dina and a bunch of life gain effects.  I think I lost the first game and won the second.  (I could have that backwards.)  In the game I won, I mulliganed once and put Rise of Extus on the bottom.  I was in such a drawing/searching frenzy with spells and Quandrix Apprentice that on the turn I won, I completed the cycle and drew the Rise of Extus, without having shuffled.  We drew game 3; my opponent later said I had the coolest deck of the night. 0-0-1.

In the second round I was matched up against an aggressive Silverquill (Orzhov) deck with a lot of good small utility creatures.  This match went better in many ways.  I won game one while controlling the board for a long time, but lost game two pretty quickly.  In game three, we had time called on us when my opponent was around 17 life and I was at around 5.  Unfortunately, my only creature was Zimone, though she was getting some counters from a Sparring Regimen.  On turn 2 of our 5, I got my opponent to 15, had a mess of lands out, and played Onyx.  On turn 4, I attacked again to put them to 12, but I could only muster four instants/sorceries (I ran out of mana) so Onyx dropped them to 4.  I was so close!  0-0-2.  Here was the final state of the game:

Just two more!

In the final round, I was up against a Prismari deck that had a lot of good utility spells.  Unfortunately, in both games they got stuck without many creatures.  I was able to keep their board mostly clear, even when I got stuck without one of my colors.

Good thing I have all those Expels in hand.

I was able to win the first two games.  In the second game, Dragonsguard Elite got in for a bunch of damage as it grew.  1-0-2.

This went marginally better than my prior Strixhaven outings!  I think I did a good job gobbling up removal as it went around, but I missed a bit on the balance between lessons and lands.  I think another 1 or 2 dual lands would have made a big difference, as I was sometimes stuck without the right color.  I actually think that 18 lands was the right call!  In many games I was wishing I had more land to run out because I often had a lot of spells to cast.

Strixhaven drafts are super fun, though.  There are so many different ways to lean, even if you're running all five colors.  I remember having a blast pulling off a bunch of Lorehold shenanigans in past drafts.  If you get a chance to do one, take it!

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