Friday, March 3, 2023

Notorious WUBRG: Phyrexia: All Will Be One Draft

I made it to a ONE draft.  However, I failed mightily at WUBRG drafting.  I was a bit greedy and took something over a second Terramorphic Expanse.  I also passed over a ton of Prophetic Prisms.  Bad choices.

My deck at the end of the three rounds.

This deck is real bad.  Fun, but bad.  0-3 bad.  I had some good late-game power, but it wasn't enough.  I won only one game, in the third round.  It seemed like everyone else had a ton of toxic creatures.  I quickly realized that I needed to stay at 2 poison counters or less to avoid Corruption.  

Nevertheless, it seems like the overall strategy isn't terrible.  I got passed a lot of Blue-Red cards, and they worked well together.  There is a lot of equipment synergy and I wish I had got more.  I didn't start off with the full playset of Vulshok Splitters in, but they worked great.  The For Mirrodin! mechanic worked quite well.  It works well with Trawler Drake and Cephalopod Sentry, both of which came around.

To be perfectly honest, I didn't build a WUBRG deck for the first round.  I just ran Izzet, realized it would be more fun with some extra colors, and then threw in a few things for the remaining rounds.  The WUBRG deck was definitely more fun.

I hope I get to draft ONE again!  I really enjoyed the format and I think I could do better with another try.

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